Female Testosterone

Testosterone in the female body supports our sense of well-being. It supports our energy, endurance, stamina, and ability to maintain muscle mass. When we maintain muscle mass, that helps us maintain metabolism. Testosterone is vital for women in terms of libido and sexual function. It’s actually very important for the sensitivity of the clitoris in the female body.

Testosterone is the predominant hormone in males, produced in the testes, and helps to develop the male reproductive system, maintaining bone density, and improving muscle strength. Women produce testosterone in their ovaries and adrenal glands. Its function is to help in stabilizing mood and energy levels, maintaining sex drive, and ensuring healthy bone and muscle mass. Low testosterone in women may lead to a loss of strength, thinning hair, depression or anxiety, or infertility.

As with all hormones testosterone starts from cholesterol through pregnenolone then diverts through the androgen pathway to DHEA then testosterone. Testosterone can further cascade into estradiol one of the oestrogens through a process call aromatosis.

Testosterone helps to slow the ageing process through maintaining muscle mass and bone mineralisation although the exact mechanism for bone support is not clear yet. It has a positive effect on heart muscle and has been shown to reduce the risk associated with atherosclerosis, (plaque build-up in the arteries) It also works with emotional well being helping to maintain motivation and enthusiasm for living. Its most widely acknowledge effect is on supporting libido and sexual function. While this is more readily accepted with men the same can be true for women as testosterone has been effective in treating vaginal dryness, thinning of vaginal tissue and increasing sensitivity in the genitals and breast tissue.

By the age of 40 women generally are producing ½ the amount of Testosterone they were making in their 20’s. The decline is gradual and often women are unaware of the subtle changes this causes until combined with the other symptoms of hormonal decline and imbalance experienced with peri-menopause and menopause. The most common first symptom that is recognised is a decline in libido and reduced sensitivity of genitalia. Given that low testosterone symptoms can be subtle or reflect symptoms of both oestrogen and progesterone deficiency, low testosterone in women is often overlooked even when libido remains low when other hormone imbalances have been corrected.


  • Reduced libido
  • Decreased sensitivity in genitals and breast tissue
  • Weight gain/loss
  • Abdominal fat
  • Increased glucose and insulin
  • Decreased Bone minerals
  • Decreased muscle mass
  • Hair loss
  • Fatigue
  • Loss of motivation
  • Irritability
  • Depression
  • Aches and pains in joints
  • Contributes to Osteoporosis
  • Thin dry skin
  • Vaginal dryness and thinning of tissue

At menopause the ovaries no longer produce testosterone so over all production is reduced by 50%. With increasing incidence of adrenal fatigue due to hormone imbalances, stressful lifestyle, poor diet, alcohol intake and increasing pollutant further decreasing testosterone development this results in levels that may be as low as 20% of optimal functioning and the development of the above symptoms.

Women who have had their ovaries surgically removed experience sudden testosterone deficiency and will often not return to full wellness until their testosterone levels have been replaced. Rarely is either Progesterone or Testosterone offered to this group as a primary treatment option.

Women are often concerned with the potential side effects commonly perceived to be associated with Testosterone supplementation, these being facial hair, enlarging of the clitoris and deepening of the voice. Supplementing Testosterone can be of substantial help in restoring a women to her familiar level of energy, libido and well being. When used as directed and as a physiological amount, side effects are minimal, it is safe cost effective and it works!

Also read about MALE TESTOSTERONE 

Ref: Rako, Susan. (1999). The Hormone of Desire: the truth about testosterone, sexuality, and menopause. New York, NY. Three Rivers Press. Cabot, Sandra. (2004) Hormones: Don’t Let Them Ruin Your Life. Australia. WHAS Pty Ltd. https://www.aptmedicalaesthetics.com/blog/what-does-testosterone-do-for-women/  https://www.monash.edu/medicine/sphpm/units/womenshealth/info-for-health-professionals/testosterone-for-women